Installing Veneer Stone Easily! – NC Pool Supply

on the outside of your house or along a pathway. Veneer stone accents can become the focal point of your home or other building, even increasing your home’s market value! It doesn’t take much for installing veneer stone and it’s possible by using the correct tools. This video shows you how to place exquisite veneer stone step by one.

Once you’ve decided on the design you’d like place your stones according to the pattern you want on the ground. It isn’t easy to align stones so that they covers the whole wall. Once you’ve reached the conclusion of the project, you’ll be aware the number you’ll need. This mortar-scratch coating then gets placed on a mesh and water-proof sheet, creating an ideal surface to place your stones. Utilizing veneer mortar, cut the surface of the wall before applying stones onto the wall. Do not forget to add 1/8 inch mortar on each for additional support. After following this step-by-step guide it will be easy to create one of these stone accents quickly!


Author: Reference Advisor

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