Early childhood education experts agree that from ages 3 to 5, children are ready to learn about the world around them and that the preschool experience can shape a child’s entire life. It is in kindergarten that children learn their alphabet and numbers, encounter new words, ideas, music and dance, and games. They learn to socialize and play with their peers. Children who attend preschool regularly outperform their peers in math and reading.
For parents who want to give their children the best start in life, choosing the right preschool can be very important. Private schools with individualized care and highly qualified teachers can make all the difference to a child’s education, providing a solid foundation of self confidence and curiosity. From kindergarten to high school, private schools provide a safe, comfortable environment that will challenge and inspire your child.
Preschool advantages for your childhood
Child development studies have found that the early childhood years are some of the best for learning new things. As children’s minds grow faster at this age than any other, they are actually structured to take in and process information. Preschool education takes advantage of the natural tendency of young children to learn things.
While the emphasis varies in each school, different schools use early childhood education to introduce students to the basics of communication, personal development, social skills, creativity, math, play and scientific thinking skills.
Preschool kids perform better in reading and math
Studies on child development and early childhood education have consistently shown a correlation between attending preschool and better math and reading skills. Preschoolers do 21% better in math and reading tests than children who don’t attend preschool. Three different studies show that overall, 80% of children in preschool programs perform better than those children who did not attend early childhood education programs.
Private preschools create a comfortable learning environment
Many parents prefer private schools for their children, for a number of reasons. From kindergarten through middle school to private high schools, private schools have many advantages over public schools. Smaller size, dedicated teachers and a safe and comfortable setting all contribute to a better learning environment and demonstrably better results.
- The smaller size of private schools allows teachers to give students individual attention. The greater majority or 86% of private schools have 300 students or less. On average, private schools are half the size of public schools.
- Students from independent schools perform better than the national average on the SATs. Their average scores are 541 in reading, 579 for math , and 550 for writing, as compared to the national average scored of 497, 514, and 489 respectively.
- Private schools are known for the quality of the teaching. In a 2007 study by the Fraser Institute, which surveyed parents with children in private school, 91% of the parents said that they chose private school for their children because of the dedicated teachers.
- Safety is an important consideration for parents. The Fraser Institute study also found that about 72% of the parents in the survey strongly with preschool children agreed that their children’s preschool was safe.
Giving your child the preschool advantage
The early childhood years are the best time for learning things. Preschools and kindergartens take advantage of this ability to provide a foundation of learning and social skills that children will build upon in the years to come. Private schools in particular offer many advantages: higher academic standards, smaller size, qualified teachers and a safe and comfortable learning environment.