Public versus private. Inclusive versus exclusive. Free versus expensive. College prep. The best for the student. There are many ways to view the private school versus public school debate. And there are few answers for those involved. What follows is a quick over of the pros and cons of each, along with how to get into a private elementary school.
Public schools have had fierce detractors for years. People said the schools were overrun with violence and drugs. Some people said that the teachers were not qualified and that they had trouble controlling classrooms. Other people pointed the finger at the administration of public schools. They lacked leadership, lacked focus.
Other people lauded public schools. After all, education shouldn’t cost money in a free society they said. Education should be free, especially to families who were low income and could not afford to send their child to a private school that cost a great deal of money. That would mean less food on the table, a little to pay the bills with.
Still, there are truths to be sides of those arguments. Public schools have difficulty in educating children. Oftentimes, the literacy rate is much lower and the teacher qualifications aren’t as good as their counterparts in private schools. The funding for public schools can be lacking. There can be a lack of resources.
This can be a significant hindrance.
There is a fierce debate about the violence and drugs in school. Some point the finger at the students themselves; others at the families of the students. Others point the finger at the administration for not putting together a plan to fight the crime schools. Many just hire security guards to protect the students.
Private schools have many detractors as well. Much of this revolves around the cost. Private schools can be costly, when tuition is factored together with books and other materials. Sometimes the cost can run into the tens of thousands. This removes many low income families from participating.
Private schools have another big detraction: They are often involved in some kind of religion. For someone who is not a part of that religion, they risk discrimination, bullying, and general feelings of alienation. They stand out in a way that portrays them to students and teachers as “different,” perhaps even rebellious.
But private schools have positive qualities as well. In private schools, a person is more likely to get a better education than in public schools. They are likely to be prepped for college, have a higher literacy level, a less likely chance of dropping out, and more. Private schools function as prep academies:
They are there to prepare students for college and the world beyond.
There are many statistics about private schools worth noting in this article. They are:
- More private school students in 2011?12 were enrolled in kindergarten (449,819) than in any other grade level.
- The average school size in 2011?12 was 146 students across all private schools.
- 96% of all private schools in 2011?12 were coeducational, while 2% enrolled all girls and 2% enrolled all boys.
- Of the 305,842 private high school graduates in 2010?11, some 64% attended 4-year colleges by the fall of 2011
- There are 33,619 private schools in the United States, serving 5.4 million PK-12 students.
- Private schools account for 25% of the nation’s schools and enroll 10% of all PK-12 students.
- Typically 60 to 80% of private school teachers will have an advanced degree.
Private schools, as shown in those statistics, have many positive qualities that can help a student graduate and enroll in college. Private schools also affect the course of a person’s professional life, teaching them skills that come with wearing uniforms and general discipline.
A good way to get someone started in the public school system is to enroll them in a private elementary school. A private elementary school might be run by a religious organization or a generally well-funded organization, but the student will have access to resources and teachers who are well-qualified.
A private elementary school can lead to someone becoming enrolled in a private high school, which can lead them to enrolling in college. There are many terms about private schools that are worth noting. They are private school curriculum, private school education, reasons why private schools are better, and more.