Have you found yourself in need of corporate childcare solutions? Many parents find their schedule filled to the brim with obligations, ranging from work to college, and are in desperate need of childcare resources to assist with day-to-day responsibilities. Choosing childcare is a careful process that needs to take into account varying schedules, pricing and the unique needs of the children involved. Thankfully, many companies with onsite childcare and early childcare programs are familiar with the process and are more than willing to give you the information and resources you and your child needs to thrive. Let’s take a look at activities for children in the workplace, what daycare providers generally offer and how you can get started either within or outside your work space.
Did You Know?
Daycare is a necessary resource for a wide variety of reasons, with one of the most important being the emotional and mental growth of your child. The first few years of a child’s life are vital, as they are at their most capable of absorbing and processing the information that will influence their later years. The day care movement first originated with welfare reforms all the way back in the 19th century, paving the way for the employer sponsored childcare and early child education services we know today. If your work environment doesn’t offer daycare services, rest assured there are multiple centers in each city that can give your schedule the flexibility it needs.
Child Growth And Health
A four year-old child will ask, on average, over four hundred questions every single day. This is a natural process of the developing human mind as it processes the world at large and learns essential skills like recognizing patterns, problem solving and personal expression. Children between the ages of two and four are at the most emotionally and physically active point in their lives and will learn many new words of vocabulary per day. By the age of three a toddler will have developed 1,000 trillion connections between the cells in their brain, which is twice as many than the average adult. Daycare offer activities including, but not limited to, crafts, building, story time and outside play.
Corporate Childcare Solutions
The difference between general daycare services and corporate childcare solutions are in the foundation. Corporate daycare facilities are on-site and are either sponsored or subsidized by companies, usually exclusive to employees to better help them and their family benefit from their full-time job. The centers are staffed by other employees and are generally more affordable options for parents already focusing on working, schooling and taking care of a family. A recent study in Working Mother’s magazine found more than 80 out of 100 companies surveyed offered a form of corporate daycare for their employees. Corporate sponsored childcare is not only essential for children’s growth, it encourages employee loyalty while decreasing stress and concentration issues.
Finding A Daycare
Knowing how to find a good daycare hinges on your unique work situation, the needs of your child and your monthly budget. While employer sponsored childcare is an ideal option, there are plenty of alternate solutions if your business doesn’t offer corporate daycare services. Nearly 11 million children under the age of five in the United States are in either corporate or general daycare services and it’s assumed that 90% of childcare costs are assumed by the parents. A happy parent and a healthy child relies heavily on the availability of educational and safe programs, whether your workplace offers onsite childcare or you are seeking out the services of a nearby daycare.