Building Your List Of References Properly

Reference materials

Building up a list of references without the right resources can be a daunting and often time consuming task, particularly when that list is being built up from scratch. If you are planning to show references for a particular body of work or study, then you need to be able to properly organize your reference materials according to the guidelines of whichever group that the work is being submitted to. Depending on the area of research and the field in which the study, paper, or other form of published work will be used, you may also need to make references to specific professions, specialties, and other vocations that may be required within the work. Remember that a list of references is not a guideline per se, but that it is the manner through which information in a study or report can be independently verified, and thus it must be extremely accurate.

Your reference pool could be taken from a number of different resources. Published accounts and journals are most often the easiest sources of reference as they readily have their publishing information and authors available for you to add to a list of references and sources. In the age of internet publishing and documentation, however, there does come some difficulty with citing or otherwise using internet materials as a reference. Fortunately, official documentation through journals, educational groups, government agencies, and more tend to include biographical information that will make it much easier for you to include in a list of references for proper organization. Likewise, you may be able to find other works published online that have included this information specifically so that they can be readily verified and referenced. With advances in online learning and an increase in the acceptance of online citation, a list of references that includes online sources is not as questionable as it once was.

Finally, if you are having any difficulty assembling a list of references for verification, then you may also look to the examples that others have used within their own lists. You may find that the structuring of a list of references deemed to be acceptable could provide you with the right and wrong things to do with your own list, as well as helpful tools that you may be able to use for your own reference list creation. Your list of references should be organized following these steps.

Author: Reference Advisor

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